Sunday, December 28, 2014

12/28/2014--Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!! What to Pack?????

Today was a day of decisions! Many of them. I'm still not finished. I have read of people sending luggage ahead and always thought "Why would someone spend the money to do this?" Well, after Jim's crisis in Rome and his lifting limitations, guess what we did? We sent our luggage ahead. The people who are taking the full cruise who are in an Ocean View cabin or higher get free luggage delivery to and from their homes to the ship if they live in the United States or Canada. Those in Interior Cabins, or not doing the full cruise do not receive this benefit.

Those in countries other than the US or Canada get an extra $200 OBC. This was an early booking benefit for those paying in full prior to July 1, 2014. Well, we did not qualify because we were not doing the full cruise and had no intention of sending any luggage ahead until things changed in August. We figured on sending the heaviest bag ahead and home from Buenos Aires and bringing another with us. So how is that working for me. Not too well. I have one bag full and no where to put the rest of my stuff. Jim wants to know what I'm bringing. So now I'm starting another bag. Remember, we're flying from Buenos Aires to Santiago and then staying two days and then to Miami. I think I needed to send two bags ahead. ARRRGGGGH!!!!!

We're packing for all sorts of climates and I guess I want to take everything I own with me. So the weeding out process must now begin. I want to again thank all the well wishers. I hope I can live up to your expectations and not bore you to death.

Terri and Jim.


  1. I will trail along after you. Since I can't travel anymore (which really upsets me) I need to live a vicarious life. I haven't been to south America so this should be very interesting.
    Are you serving canapes & champagne in your stateroom before you sail? Security won't let you actually do it, I presume, but a vicarious cocktail party is perfect!! Have a wonderful time.
    Terry A

  2. I can have a Bon Voyage party but cannot invite anyone who is not sailing. I will have a glass of champagne and think of you. Thanks for your comments and for following along.
